Programme WURI

The development objective of West Africa Unique Identification for Regional Integration and Inclusion Project is to increase the number of persons in Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea who have government-recognized proof of unique identity that facilitates their access to services. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Strengthening the Legal and Institutional Framework, the MPA aims to finance the preparation, development and implementation of the legal and institutional framework necessary to structure robust fID systems. 2) The second component, Establishing Robust and Inclusive fID Systems, aims to support the creation of fID systems based on the issuance of UNIs linked to biometric data, which will be collected in accordance with international quality standards. 3) The third component, Facilitating Access to Services Through fIDs, aims to focus on service delivery at both the national and regional levels.


The Program Development Objective (Pr.DO) is to increase the number of persons in participating countries who have government-recognized proof of unique identity that facilitates access to services. The Project Development Objective (PDO) for Phase 1 of the Project is to increase the number of persons in Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea who have government-recognized proof of unique identity that facilitates access to services.